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Teori dan Best Practise

Konten yang disajikan merupakan teori dan best practise, beberapa hasil pengalaman konsultansi dibeberapa perusahaan.

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Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

Penyusunan Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Level Agreement (SLA) & Service Level Agreement (SLG) adalah kontrak layanan, merupakan pondasi bagi hubungan antar pihak-pihak terkait, untuk itu harus mencakup aspek risiko, kualitas layanan, nilai benefit, mekanisme, prosedur komunikasi dan penyelesaian sengketa.
Link template SLA :
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Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Job Design (Desain Jabatan)

Pemahaman Job Design : Konsep Job Design, prosedur Job Design, Strategi Job Design, Job Design untuk peningkatan value.

Job Analysis (Analisis Jabatan)

Pemahaman Job Analysis : konsep job analysis, pelaksanaan metode job analysis berdasarkan metode yang ditetapkan, keterkaitan job analysis antar unit organisasi, perencanaan dan koordinasi job analysis antar unit organisasi.

Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

Pemahaman Mutu & Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001:2015

Saat ini era mutu, dengan menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001-2015, siap menghadapi persaingan global.
Rekomendasi :
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Senin, 18 Januari 2016

Self Assessment Baldrige Menuju World Class

Ini adalah penilaian organisasi bukan penilaian dokumen, Sukses assessment adalah sukses transformasi.

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Tahapan Penyusunan Term of Reference (TOR)

Tahapan penyusunan Term of Reference (TOR)/ kerangka acuan kerja (KAK) secara generik yang mudah dimengerti dan dapat diaplikasikan pada proses pengadaan borongan/ barang serta jasa konsultansi.

Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

08. Scoring System [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]

Scoring System

The scoring of responses to Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence items is based on two evaluation dimensions: process (categories 1–6) and results (category 7).

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary : 

07. Results [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]


The RESULTS category asks about your organization’s PERFORMANCE and improvement in all KEY areas—product and PROCESS RESULTS, CUSTOMER-focused RESULTS, WORKFORCE-focused RESULTS, leadership and GOVERNANCE RESULTS, and financial and market RESULTS. The category asks about PERFORMANCE LEVELS relative to those of competitors and other organizations with similar product offerings.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary : 

06. Operations [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]


The Operations category asks HOW your organization designs, manages, improves, and innovates its products and WORK PROCESSES and improves operational EFFECTIVENESS to deliver CUSTOMER VALUE and achieve ongoing organizational success.
For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary :

05. Workforce [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]


The WORKFORCE category asks HOW your organization assesses WORKFORCE CAPABILITY and CAPACITY needs and builds a WORKFORCE environment conducive to HIGH PERFORMANCE. The category also asks HOW your organization engages, manages, and develops your WORKFORCE to utilize its full potential in ALIGNMENT with your organization’s overall business needs.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary :

04. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]

Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management

The Measurement, ANALYSIS, and Knowledge Management category asks HOW your organization selects, gathers, analyzes, manages, and improves its data, information, and KNOWLEDGE ASSETS; HOW it learns; and HOW it manages information technology. The category also asks HOW your organization uses review findings to improve its PERFORMANCE.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary : 

03. Customers [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]


The CUSTOMERS category asks HOW your organization engages its CUSTOMERS for long-term marketplace success, including HOW your organization listens to the VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER, builds CUSTOMER relationships, and uses CUSTOMER information to improve and to identify opportunities for INNOVATION.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary : 

02. Strategy [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]

The Strategy category asks HOW your organization develops STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES and ACTION PLANS, implements them, changes them if circumstances require, and measures progress.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary : 

01. Leadership [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]


The Leadership category asks HOW SENIOR LEADERS’ personal actions guide and sustain your organization. It also asks about your organization’s GOVERNANCE system and HOW your organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary :

00. Organizational Profile [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]

Begin with the Organizational Profile

The Organizational Profile is the most appropriate starting point for self-assessment and for writing an application. It is critically important for the following reasons:
It helps you identify gaps in key information and focus on key performance requirements and results.
You can use it as an initial self-assessment. If you identify topics for which conflicting, little, or no information is available, use these topics for action planning.
It sets the context for and allows you to address unique aspects of your organization in your responses to the Criteria requirements in categories 1–7.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary

0. Baldrige Criteria 2015-2016 [Baldrige Excellence Framework 2015-2016]

Changes from the 2013–2014 Criteria

As with every revision of the Criteria, there is one overarching purpose: that the Criteria always reflect the leading edge of validated leadership and performance practice.

For additional guidance on this item, see the Category and Item Commentary